CEE Winter General Meeting

Winter General Meeting banner

Event Date

Davis Central Park

Hello SWEGS and CEE friends!

This time our winter general meeting will be a truly general meeting, every grad student in the CEE is welcomed to join!

We will meet at the Davis Central Park, from 10 am to 13 pm, and you can drop by at any time! We will have some picnic blankets for the first people to drop by, we will have some food sponsored by the CEE and some soft drinks. Also, since it is a Saturday, the Davis Farmer's Market will be happening at the same time, so you can get more food if you want (and you can even do some grocery shopping!). The idea of this meeting is to be a social and welcoming environment for everyone, so we can build community not only in the EWR but in the CEE department as a whole.


Hope to see you all there!


Winter CEE General Meeting Flyer. February 22nd, from 10 am to 1 pm, at the Davis Central Park.